DIY Sheep Crafts | How To Make Felted Wool Dryer Balls | Shepherd Like A Girl

What Are Dryer Balls Anyway

DIY Sheep Crafts | What Are Dryer Balls Anyway | Shepherd Like A Girl

So, what are dryer balls anyway?… Queue heroes of eco-friendly laundry, static-fighting champions!

The chemicals, including synthetic fragrances, found in conventional dryer sheets are downright dangerous to your health and the environment! I could list all the toxic chemicals, but why scare the kids (and you can read more about it on my blog post, 4 Tips for Safer Laundry)?

What Are They?

Felted wool dryer ball are made, typically, from clean sheep fleece. The fleece is carded into roving. Then, all good shepherds and crafters hand wind the roving into 4 oz sized balls (#shepherdlikeagirl). These balls are then matted into a solid structure with a hot soap and water process, called felting. Dryer balls are completely chemical-free and reusable. They will even last up to 5 years!

What Are They For?

Feted wool dryer balls help keep the clothes soft, wrinkle-free and reduce static. Whaaat? Where have you been all my life?

How Do They Work?

The highly-absorbent wool soaks up moisture in your laundry as it dries and then evenly distributes that moisture back into the air as your clothes are drying. This helps the air in your dryer stay humid longer, which reduces static. In addition, this “soaking and releasing” action makes your clothes dry faster. And, all of these things, plus the balls rolling around in your dryer, caressing your sweet, sweet clothes, means fewer wrinkles. Can I get a “heck-ya”?

Where Can You Get Dryer Balls?

Madi and my very own sheep contributed to the making of these awesome dryer balls. Visit Copia Cove Icelandic Sheep and you can buy them there!
Copia Cove Icelandic Sheep | Buy Felted Wool Dryer Balls | Shepherd Like A Girl

However, the best dryer balls are the ones you make yourself (you crafty crafter, you)! Learn to make your very own felted wool dryer balls from sheep roving in 5 easy steps by checking out my blog post, How to Make Felted Wool Dryer Balls!

Oh yea, and here’s the snippet I use when I send out my packages of dryer balls. I always include this description, just in case, because people can get a little confused when they see “sheep balls” all tied up with a bow!

Our flock of Icelandic Sheep have been hard at work in Montana growing the most luxurious fleeces. We’ve taken select Spring roving and made these all-natural felted wool dryer balls.

These felted wool dryer balls, made from Copia Cove Icelandic Sheep roving, will green-up your laundry game by replacing dryer sheets (and the chemicals that are in dryer sheets).

The wool soaks up some of the moisture in your laundry as it dries, but then evenly distributes it into the air – helping your dryer stay humid longer, which reduces static cling. In addition, this “soaking and releasing” action makes your clothes dry faster. And all of these things, plus the balls rolling around in your dryer, gently playing with your clothes, means fewer wrinkles.

Best of all, they will last up to 5 years!

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Shepherd Like A Girl!

Amika teaches online courses and workshops for craft business owners, artists and fiber enthusiasts to help them create sustainable and profitable handmade businesses. She's dedicated to helping you succeed with your handmade craft business in the noisy online space that is the internet today.