How to Sell Your Handmade Products by Just Using Video on Your Smartphone | Shepherd Like A Girl Amika Ryan

How to Sell Your Handmade Products by Just Using Video on Your Smartphone

It doesn’t take a 50-person production team to create engaging, high-quality videos to attract new audiences and potential customers. All it takes are a few key tools and your favorite little back-pocket computer!

Every day, fewer and fewer people are turning to newspapers for their information. Books and libraries are collecting dust. And blog subscriptions are even down. All of that could spell Y-I-K-E-S for Handmade Heros like you and me.

But, why are people shifting away from these once-popular sources of information? What could be more captivating than the written word?

VIDEO: The Queen of Content Delivery

Video has slowly become the Queen of content delivery for small business owners across the world. It’s easier for many individuals to connect with the person on the other end of the screen rather than reading blocks of text or filtering through their emails’ junk folder.

**I’m going to stop right here to say this: just because Video is becoming increasingly more popular, doesn’t mean the written word is dead. There is still a ton of great value to be shared through emails, blogs, and books. But businesses can’t thrive off a single outlet. So while mastering video is necessary to grow your handmade business, don’t neglect everything else to do so.**

Now, before you think you have to go out and purchase an entire production studio to accomplish high-quality Handmade Hero videos, take a good look at your smartphone.

Yep! Your smartphone is the key to capturing new prospective customers and selling your handmade products through video! All you need to get started are 3 simple tools and the guidance of this blog:

Tool #1: Proper Lighting

Lighting is one of the most important aspects of making a video since it enables you to set the video mood.

Identifying lighting specifically on particular items or individuals helps encourage viewers to turn their attention to the intended location, ensuring crucial elements of the video are not overlooked.

The best lighting, of course, is natural light. Stand in front of a window or take a trip outside for most of your videos if possible. However, there will be times when you record videos at night or indoors. This is when you will want to turn on some high-quality LED lights like the Aputure Amaran F7.

Tip: Make sure to angle your phone (or the light) so that there are minimal shadows in the frame.

One way you can do this is through the use of Softboxes. A softbox is in reality nothing more than a light-modifier. A softbox diffuses the light into a soft, even tone. It removes harsh shadows when properly used.

The closer the softbox to the model or subject, the softer the light appears. This will help to emulate the light from the windows. As well, if you wear glasses, softboxes will help to diffuse any glare that would otherwise occur.

Tool #2: Clear Audio

Sound is vitally important for the creation of your handmade product videos. However, capturing quality audio is easier said than done. You must have quality production mics to go with your phone as phone mics are notoriously poor quality (remember the, “can you hear me now” commercials?).

Depending on the purpose of your video, it may be best to go with a hand-held microphone, desktop attachment, or headset. My personal favorite is the Movo LV1 lapel mic that comes with a long cable so I can move around without any bulky equipment!

Tool #3: A Steady Hand

Do you like watching a shaky video? No, and your audience doesn’t want to watch something that looks like it was shot for America’s Funniest Home Videos either.

Now, camera movement has the potential to function in many different ways, such as to direct the viewer’s attention, reveal offscreen space, or create expressive effects. However, this type of movement is used sparingly.

So, in order to provide the best quality video for your potential customers, it’s important to have your phone at eye level along with a steady hand. I suggest using a tripod or resting your camera against something right at eye level. This will help center you in the frame as well as provide the best angle for your video.

Lights. Camera. Action!

Now that you have the tools set up and ready to go, it’s time to appear on camera. This can be a scary thing for a lot of people!

I know it was nerve-racking for me at first, too. But, I just had to keep reminding myself that I was here to bring value to people, and I would be doing every one of my customers (past, present, and future) a disservice by not hitting that record button.

You can’t let them down. And by changing your mindset from “I’m so scared to sit in front of a camera” to “I need to show up to help others” you won’t let them down.

So, what do you do once you tap that record button? Act like your camera is your best friend (bonus points if you actually have your best friend stand behind the lens)! Make eye contact with your audience by looking directly into the camera lens. This will also help you stay in the middle of the frame unless otherwise needed. Sometimes, you may need the room to show your product.

However, I strongly encourage you to show your face — even if you’re doing a demo or tutorial — so that your audience can connect with you not just your product. Another way to help audiences connect with you is by interacting with them, especially during LIVE videos!

Making the Sale — Video Style

At this point, sales should be easy. You’ve warmed up your audience: captured their attention, connected with them through lives, and shared important value for them. Now it’s time for your sales video.

Start by sharing what problem your product solves, then share how your product does exactly that!

What goal does it help them achieve? Make sure to focus on the benefits over the features of your product. You want to show them how their life will be better because they purchased from you. For example:

PROBLEM — If you’re currently struggling to turn your favorite handmade hobby into a reliable source of income…
SOLUTION — Following my CBB Success Formula.
BENEFITS OF TAKING ACTION — Once you discover my secret formula (for free), you’ll transform your small hobby into a profitable business.

Another great tactic is to share some customer testimonials whether they sent you a video or you read their comments out loud. This will show potential customers proof of your quality and assure they’re making a good decision. Finally, you show them how to make the purchase!

And that’s it! Now for your homework…go do a video!

Want more tips on how to grow a profitable handmade business? Then let me teach you my success formula. All it takes to take advantage of this FREE training is to sign-up here! That’s it — I’ll take care of the rest, sending you key steps to go from hobbies to Handmade Hero!

Amika teaches online courses and workshops for craft business owners, artists and fiber enthusiasts to help them create sustainable and profitable handmade businesses. She's dedicated to helping you succeed with your handmade craft business in the noisy online space that is the internet today.